Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let's Face it

Every shape, color, size.........
every face is unique and beautiful.

Animals and humans alike, personality and expression..
moods and sentiments can be read clearly by

looking at someone's face.

At Whimsy you will be mesmerized as you stroll
through our two shops and fix your eyes among our cast of characters.

Why were certain faces chosen long ago by an artist to
embody his/her work of art?

We can appreciate the uniqueness each and every one.
We can celebrate that no two are created alike.

Thank you for joining me in a brief tour of faces...

We hope to see your beautiful face at Whimsy sometime soon!

1 comment:

marylan karsh said...

I just love this unique blog. I can't wait for this sale!! Such artistic and talented sellers. It is always a joy to visit Whimsy, not only takes you back in time, the presentaion is always spectacular. See you soon.