Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Embrace, Evolve, Emerge

When I received the call asking me to be on a panel of women entrepreneurs for an upcoming conference,, I found myself a little out of my comfort zone.

Because I felt that way, I knew I had to do it.
I was on a panel of 3 women and we answered questions at the conference about our business and each of us were giving our versions of our business plans, etc. Since I have 3 businesses, I certainly had lots to share. I was invited to stay after and enjoy the rest of the conference put on at the University of California, Santa Barbara byt he Professional Women's Association.
I did stay and went to a few other sessions and absolutely had a growing experience. The lunch was superb and the people I met and chatted with were all amazing.
I left feeling empowered, and realized that was exactly what I needed.

The view of the lagoon right outside from my panel's room!

Dianne led our panel and asked the questions and then the audience had their own questions.

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